
Apr 30, 2020

Realistic Golden Week plans?

So, well, GW is just around the corner. What do you see yourself doing?



Games, manga, and ramen. Those three things make up my Tri-force lol.

13 Answers

  • TonetoEdo

    on May 1

    The same thing I’ve been doing for the last 8 weeks.

  • genkidesu

    on May 1

    No plans here either. I never travel during Golden Week - I made the mistake of doing it the first year I was in Japan and vowed never again. Obviously this year is such an exception and it's really forcing people to stay home, but it's no skin off my nose since I was planning that anyway. Something that's giving me hope is just planning for future travel, once things clear to a semblance of normalcy once more.

  • TonetoEdo

    on May 1

    @genkidesu I'm with you on both counts. I avoid travel in Golden Week. Last year, my guy and I took a few days off after GW to drive to an onsen. The roads weren't busy, the onsen town was peacefully quiet, and local people had leisure, so we chatted with local people. I'm also building a few itineraries for trips in Japan. Because I've got time on my hands, I'm researching in Japanese, so the side benefit is my reading is improving!

  • BlueButterfly

    on May 1

    Nothing special. Usually we never go somewhere during Golden week. We are using always the weekend after for a trip, but not at the current situation. Anyways my husband has to work every day, so there will be not change to all the other weeks before. Just staying at home, playing with our kid, cook and clean up..

  • ReishiiTravels

    on May 1

    I will be staying at home and making something yummy.

  • helloalissa

    on May 4

    I get a three day weekend, so I'll hopefully spend more time practicing Japanese calligraphy. Honestly not too different for us introverts other than one event we usually go to being canceled this year.

  • Striffy

    on May 5

    I'm not planning anything special but I want to continue studying Japanese and need to prepare for some of my online lessons later this week.

  • edthethe

    on May 6

    we went hiking in a very off the beaten track area, but that is it. the rest will be spent at home

  • genkidesu

    on May 6

    End of week update: I've done nothing of importance at all this week and I'm not even mad about it...it's been soothing to be honest!

  • TonetoEdo

    on May 7

    @genkidesu Me, too, nothing starling happened in Golden Week. I just went easy on myself - eating really well (a few takeout lunches to relieve me from cooking), hot baths, lots of chats with friends over messenger/ voice, walks in uncrowded parks in my city.

  • genkidesu

    on May 7

    @TonetoEdo I think that's just what's needed in the current situation! Kindness with ourselves, doing what we can to find pockets of joy in such a weird circumstance, and connecting with folks virtually to keep an element of socializing!

  • Eli

    on May 8

    We had a trip to Okinawa planned but we cancelled it after the state of emergency was declared, so I spend Golden Week with Animal Crossing and working in our small garden.

  • TonetoEdo

    on May 8

    @genkidesu And going easy on others, too. Everyone copes in their way, some more resilient than others. I was mostly working on stuff to prepare for my job over Golden Week, as we’re my colleagues. It’s really rough for them. I feel rested up, so I’m ready to rock post GW.


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