
Sep 8, 2018

Baking in an oven toaster?

Is it possible to use an oven toaster to bake bread?



A stationery loving eikaiwa teacher

5 Answers

Best Answer

  • BigfamJapan

    on Sep 9

    It depends: does your oven toaster have some functions / temp control or is it literally just switch on / switch off? If you can adjust heat and it has a timer, I believe it is possible. I know we can do it in our toaster oven, but I've never actually done it!

  • cheeseris

    on Sep 9

    I believe so, but only limited to some food like pizza rolls and cookies.

  • Heath320

    on Sep 9

    If your oven has controls for temp and time you should easily be able to bake bread. I bake things all the time in mine, at least 3 times a week.

  • DLHayes

    on Oct 7

    I have a countertop convection oven and it allows me to bake cakes, cookies, lambchops etc. everything that I would normally cook in a regular oven. So like someone else mentioned I believe it depends on the functions and capabilities of the oven that you purchase! A toaster oven will be limited in options.

  • kcsantosh

    on Oct 12

    If it has temperature controller or time controller, it should be okay :)


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