
Dec 26, 2019

Fukubukuro plans?

I would love to hear about the places you plan to get fukubukuro from this year! I usually go for places like Kaldi Coffee Farm and Lupicia for tea and coffee to consume...but I'm always down to hear some suggestions!



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).

5 Answers

  • ReishiiTravels

    on Dec 26

    I am actually planning on getting one from Kaldi too!! I am considering checking out the ones from the drug stores for make up and my favorite clothing stores as well!!

  • BlueButterfly

    on Dec 26

    I will always try to get one of the donguri (Ghibli) store. i love there products and it is always a good deal. Is the Kaldo one good? Maybe I should get one too then...

  • helloalissa

    on Dec 28

    I wasn't planning on getting any... then I saw this: https://www.ikea.com/jp/en/campaigns/new-year-special.html?itm_campaign=fy20_new-year&itm_element=TopRibbon&itm_content=enPC IKEA is starting mystery online lucky bags this year, but in store they have 'hot dog bags' and 'sustainability bags.' I'm interested in the latter. Really not sure if I can brave the crowds on January 2nd, but they're only available in limited supply that day.

  • JapanRamen

    on Jan 1

    Yea I only aim for the ones that I know what is inside, and restaurants seem to have the best ones for the buck. I might go for Starbucks, but since many people seem to recommend Kaldi, I should look into that too :)

  • Bella

    on Jan 6

    I’ve seen ones in Nojima for electronics. I was tempted to buy one


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