
Nov 21, 2016

What are the best biscuits or cookies in Japan?

These are arguably the best biscuits / cookies I've found in Japan to date. They're from Meiji and come in orange, strawberry and green tea flavors (~ 150 yen for a box of 6). I don't bother with the green tea though. However, I'm always on the lookout for more so would love to hear any suggestions for great cookies and biscuits I can get in Japan. I'd particularly like to avoid those that come in stupid layers of packaging that makes them look like a full box/packet but then you open it up and there only, like, 4 of them. Anyway, all suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance.



Long-term foreign resident of Japan, moving deeper into Chiba for a slower life and lifestyle.

14 Answers

  • BigfamJapan

    on Nov 21

    Hands down Unagi Pie, I didn't even have to think about it (which is unusual for me!), I am addicted to them. By far the best and most addictive cookie I've had in Japan!! You can do an Unagi Pie factory tour in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka. And there's an unagi pie cafe in Tokyo. Both on my long long bucket list. :-)

  • KamaT

    on Nov 21

    Thanks @Saitama ! Unagi Pie, you say?! I'd never thought of that. I shall be on the look out for them from now.

  • helloalissa

    on Nov 21

    Macha Magic Creams were truly magic - I have seen them once and they were super cheap. Not high quality although not too much different from the Meiji ones you mentioned. I think there were other flavors but I love green tea flavor. Seems the store put them on sale to never sell them again. I also like the Bourbon brand chocolate and coffee biscuits (but mostly the coffee ones, with coffee) and their "Alfort" chocolate biscuits. Country M'am is maybe the closest to "American" cookies I've tried in Japan. I'm not a big fan of biscuits or cookies, but from the few I've sampled, that's all I've got. You may have already found the best, short of just getting a macaron.

  • KamaT

    on Nov 22

    @helloalissa Thanks for the suggestions. I'd never heard of Macha Magic Creams. For you picture they look kind of similar to Orio Cookies, although a different flavor. I occasionally go for the Country Ma'am cookies although they're pretty expensive in my experience. Still, they are nice.

  • SalarymanJim

    on Nov 24

    American Soft. Boom!

  • Ghosondaba

    on Dec 1


  • kcsantosh

    on Dec 9

    Nippon cholocate biscuits are my favourite

  • KamaT

    on Dec 9

    @kcsantosh Thanks for the tip!

  • Kikaykhe

    on Dec 24

    Almost everything in the store taste good lol

  • JapanRamen

    on Jan 21

    Not necessarily the best, but Shirukosando is a biscuit with red bean in between. It's easy to eat (and get addicted to) and packs a unique Japanese touch to it. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%81%97%E3%82%8B%E3%81%93%E3%82%B5%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89

  • Babina

    on Jan 21

    Butter Cookies are my favorite ! I love their texture ..just melts in mouth !

  • Radar

    on Feb 1

    My favorite ones are Bourbon Choco Chips and Bourbon Butter Cookies ! Yummy !!

  • Ashes

    on Feb 21

    I second the butter cookies! They're usually cheap too for a decent sized pack and I've never had a nasty brand. Otherwise Kaldi does a pack of their own range of Cereal Cookies and they're uber sweet but addictive and only ¥200 for a pack of 10-12.

  • KamaT

    on Feb 21

    @Ashes Cool! I'll look into those Kaldi ones you mentioned. There's usually some decent stuff from that store and the price you mentioned sounds pretty reasonable.


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