
Mar 23, 2016

A pain in the neck!

Literally! My sink and kitchen counter is way too low. I'm a short person but my back and neck are constantly killing me when I'm in the kitchen trying to cook or clean. Anybody else have this problem? Any tips for how to make it better? (aside from rebuilding the kitchen! Lol)



I'm here to help!

6 Answers

Best Answer

  • KamaT

    on Mar 24

    My wife once had some lower back pain. She went to a specialist clinic, who gave her about two weeks worth of medicine, and a kind of back support thing to wear for a week. Cleared the problem right up. I tried the support on myself. Super tight. Bowing was out of the question, but I have to say, it felt quite good. With the kitchen thing, I had a similar problem so went out and bought a small stand/counter type thing from Nittori, which had a bit of extra height on which I could do food prep. It really made a difference. I still have to stoop over to do the dishes, but at least now I'm not constantly in that posture in the kitchen.

  • Samantha

    on Mar 26

    Thanks tomuu, I'll try a specialist clinic!

  • Solocaribe

    on Apr 16

    My fridge was way too low too, so I got an old table and threw a bit of fabric over it and then placed my fridge on top of it. Worked fine for me.

  • helloalissa

    on May 16

    You live in Japan and have a kitchen counter? Lucky...

  • kcsantosh

    on Dec 14

    Oh I also have a same problem killing neck.

  • LostgirlCA

    on Mar 2

    While I was pregnant I had this trouble too. I bought a chair on rollers to sit at while doing the dishes etc haha And as someone above mentioned at Nitori I found a little tray on legs and put it over the counter for extra height while chopping veggies etc !


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