
Aug 15, 2020

AC temperature?

What temperature do you set your AC at? I keep mine at 27. It’s not the coolest but it is good enough to be comfortable, but my friends said that’s nothing. Granted, my place is not that big. What about you all?



Games, manga, and ramen. Those three things make up my Tri-force lol.

15 Answers

  • BigfamJapan

    on Aug 15

    Our main one is at 22.5 today :-o But its 38 outside and its only just noon. This past week its been at 23, but earlier in the month we had it at 25. Its a 14 tatami room though so its harder to cool down. Still feels hot with it on!

  • Kanuba

    on Aug 15

    I also keep mine at 26 or 27 degrees, my room is also kinda small though.

  • genkidesu

    on Aug 16

    Around 22-23 here too. Any higher and I feel like I still feel warm!

  • BlueButterfly

    on Aug 16

    Usually we keep 26 degree during the day and 25 in the night for sleeping. But for my husband it´s always too cold, while I feel way too hot.

  • ReishiiTravels

    on Aug 16

    I can't handle the heat! I keep mine around 24! Haha.

  • Eli

    on Aug 17

    27 to 28 usually. In general, it is recommended not to have more than 5 degrees difference to the outside temperature to avoid cooler sickness.

  • Kobakko

    on Aug 17

    I set mine so I have around 28 degrees inside. Sometimes that's at 22, sometimes it's at 26. It's a big room and the outside temperature has a huge influence on whether the airconditioning is effective or not. Make sure you have your air-con cleaned when the summer is over. It's prone to get mouldy when used at a higher temperature setting.

  • JapanRamen

    on Aug 17

    @Kobakko I didn't know that! Thanks for the heads up

  • TonetoEdo

    on Aug 18

    I only have one AC unit in my 1LDK apartment. I abandoned the bedroom because it's too hot, and live only in the 10 mat LDK part in the summer. AC is on power saving mode at about 26. Most nights, I turn the AC off and just use a fan with windows open. To keep heat out I put sudare, bamboo blinds on the veranda and windows, and curtains are closed.. I bought cheap vinyl liners for the curtains to block out light and provide insulation.

  • MommyRam

    on Aug 20

    We keep our AC at 26 degrees but we still use fan on top of that.

  • JapanExpert

    on Aug 20

    27 during the day with fans on, and 28 at night.

  • edthethe

    on Aug 21

    We keep ours at 25 degrees, but it never gets to there during the day. at night 25 is too cool but blankets in summer is fine.

  • JTsu

    on Aug 21

    24 but it's only on a few hours a day, up to half a day if we're home the whole time. I used to turn it off I was home alone and I'm the only one here who doesn't get heat rashes and run on the warm side naturally, but it's just been too hot and humid this year for me. We use fans at night usually with the AC off.

  • helloalissa

    on Aug 23

    We keep it at the highest setting (30) during the hottest time of day if we're at home, maybe 29. This is with a fan on to move the cool air around. My husband just changed some setting about saving energy, so I'm gonna find out what he did so I can share it in a blog later.

  • helloalissa

    on Aug 23

    Supposedly it saves energy to change the 'wind amount' (風量) to automatic (自動). I'm not sure if all units have this button, but worth a try if yours does. (Not complicated enough to warrant a blog.)


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