Feb 22, 2017
What nappies (/diapers) do you recommend in Japan?
We always used pampers when the kids were babies (and very happy with them), but now on my 4th I switched to Mamy Poko when she turned 2 (in the hope she'd start to train, but no such luck). I am not happy with them for her as she leaks a lot. I am considering pampers again, but open to suggestions. What nappies/diapers have you used and liked? And does anyone else's kid do this? (Photo: Hide in the nappy rack in a store) :-) Thank you
Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com
Best Answer
on Feb 22
Loyal Pamper consumer here too - what is it that makes them better? I'm wondering if it's the nice stretch they have around the waist band and in the tape? Recently I sent hubby out to buy nappies and he came back with GOO.N. And hey, they're not so bad! Not as stretchy as Pampers but no complaints either. I'll be buying them again I think. They were less than ¥1200 for a pack of 80 from our local Nishimatsuya.
on Feb 22
on Feb 22
on Feb 22
on Feb 22
on Feb 23
on Feb 23
on Feb 23
on Apr 25
9 Answers