
Jul 22, 2018

Kagoshima or Hakodate?

I'm thinking on going on a trip sometime in September. Which of the two do you think should I visit first, and why? Thanks!



A teacher by profession, yet always a student of life. Currently living in Kanto, but in love with Kyushu.

4 Answers

  • genkidesu

    on Jul 23

    I haven't yet been to Kagoshima (it is on my list of places to go!) but I have been to Hakodate and I loved it - my husband and I still talk about our trip fondly and it was a couple of years ago now that we went. There's a few reasons why we loved it... It's got really interesting history - my husband is a big history buff, and since Hakodate was one of the first ports in Japan open to foreign trade there's a wealth of interesting stuff to learn about. There's lots of great food...if you like seafood the Hakodate Morning Market is something you can't miss. It's also a really picturesque city to just walk around. Being by the water is already scenic, but the area is quite hilly as well, so you can get some stellar views if you walk up some of them! There's also a lot of fascinating architecture with foreign influences, so I felt like it was a very unique part of Japan in that respect too.

  • helloalissa

    on Jul 23

    Both sound great, right? I know you love Kyushu and since I live in Kyushu I have to vote for Kagoshima. We haven't been yet but plan to go in the fall. I want to see Sakurajima in the city, but what I'm most excited about is Yakushima. It's where there are ancient cedar trees like Jomon-sugi and the forest that supposedly inspired the anime Mononoke Hime. Plus in the summer you can watch sea turtles laying eggs.

  • JapanRamen

    on Jul 24

    I'll vote for Hakodate, just because it's the perfect place to avoid the summer heat right now!

  • genkidesuka

    on Jul 25

    In September, do Hakodate. September/October is typhoon season, and Kyushu typically gets pounded. You won't have to stress about typhoons in Hakodate!


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