Oct 13, 2019
Post-Typhoon Hagibis. Hope everyone is well
Don't know what the mood is with everyone but just thought I'd drop a quick line on this Q&A to say that things seem to be fine where I am in Urayasu, Chiba after the typhoon. How are things where you are? Hope everyone is well.
on Oct 13
It shaped up a lot more intense here than we expected. The river not far from our house got massively swollen...didn't burst its banks, thankfully, but the evacuation message went out for Uonuma City down the road. The river looks a right mess today. Brown and murky instead of the usual pristine clear snow-melt we're used to. I am glad though that everyone seemed to heed the warnings and take it seriously.
on Oct 13
on Oct 13
on Oct 14
on Oct 14
on Oct 14
on Oct 15
on Oct 15
on Oct 15
on Oct 15
on Oct 17
on Oct 17
on Nov 1
I live near Nagano City, which got hit really hard by the flooding. Fortunately my town is mostly fine, but a lot of downed trees. Traffic has also been worse in the area because there are roads and bridges that are closed because of damages. There's also some damage to a few of the train lines, and that's a real pain in the neck. But all minor in comparison to the flood damages in Nagano City. I have some friends there and they say everywhere smells like foul water. And some people aren't going to qualify for government assistance because their houses/floors were damaged but not destroyed. Seems really...nitpicky and unfair.
13 Answers