
Apr 11, 2018

Application for Elderly People’s Public Housing

These nongovernmental housing units authorized by the city are for people over 60 years old. This time, 23 units in Tsurumi-ku, Tomioka-cho are available from August (planned). These apartments are designed to provide a safe environment for senior citizens including an emergency call service.

*There is no nursing care.

*An income-dependent rent subsidy is available. *Chosen by lottery.

Eligibility: People who are living or working in Yokohama and are 60 years old or over at the time of application. There are more conditions to apply; please inquire for more details.

To Apply: Fill out an application form available at any Ward Office’s Koho Sodan Kakari (Public Relations Section) or at Gyosei Service Corner (Administrative Service Corners) from April 9 and mail it by April 20.

Inquiries: Housing and Architecture Bureau, Housing Measures Division (045) 671-4121 (Japanese)

Application for Elderly People’s Public Housing photo



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We at Yoke, in cooperation with local residents, promote the creation of a community in which foreign residents of our community can thrive and contribute.



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