
Sep 8, 2018

Application to Enroll in Schools Outside Your Assigned Area

Some elementary/junior high schools offer education for children with special needs and purposes. This is a system that allows students to attend such schools from outside their assigned school area. *For more information, please refer to the flyer available from the Koho Sodan Kakari of your local ward office or check the website below.

Eligibility: Yokohama residents

To Apply: Download the application flyer from the website, or obtain it from the ward office, and apply by:

(1) Dec. 14 (for elementary school and Gimu Kyoiku Gakko)

(2) Jan. 18, 2019 (for junior high school)

Inquiries: Yokohama Board of Education (045) 671-3252 (Japanese)

URL (Japanese)

Application to Enroll in Schools Outside Your Assigned Area photo



The Yokohama Association for International Communications and Exchanges (YOKE) is a public interest incorporated foundation funded and supported by the City of Yokohama.

We at Yoke, in cooperation with local residents, promote the creation of a community in which foreign residents of our community can thrive and contribute.



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