
Oct 5, 2018

Minna-no “Wa!” Festival at Minami Citizens’ Activities/Multicultural Lounge

Groups of citizens and teachers located in Minami-ku area gather round to host a festival featuring food, tea, costumes from all over the world. Participants can try on a kimono or chima jeogori, a traditional Korean outfit. There are also Japanese speeches given by international learners and other workshops.

Date&Time: Nov. 11 (Sun) 11:00-15:00

Fee: Free

Location: Minami Shimin Katsudo・Tabunka Kyosei Lounge and Urafune Community House (5 min walk from Bandobashi Stn on the Municipal Subway)

To Apply: Please go directly to the location.

Inquiries: (045) 232-9544 (Japanese)

Minna-no “Wa!” Festival at Minami Citizens’ Activities/Multicultural Lounge photo



The Yokohama Association for International Communications and Exchanges (YOKE) is a public interest incorporated foundation funded and supported by the City of Yokohama.

We at Yoke, in cooperation with local residents, promote the creation of a community in which foreign residents of our community can thrive and contribute.



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